Britain Dalton

Male | US

Britain Dalton is an American actor who is known for his role in Goliath, where he played Jason Larson in the first season of the series. Britain also appears as a young Nathan Drake in the video game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End . 


Dark Harvest

as Jim Shephard

... 2022


Britain Dalton

Date of Birth:

December 12, 2001


United States

Biography of

Britain Dalton

Britain Dalton is an American actor who is known for his role in Goliath, where he played Jason Larson in the first season of the series. Britain also appears as a young Nathan Drake in the video game Uncharted 4: A Thief's End . 

Videos & Photos of

Britain Dalton

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Photos (0)

Filmography of

Britain Dalton

Found 1 movie in total

Dark Harvest

as Jim Shephard

... 2022