Carman Lee

Female | HK

Carman Lee Yeuk-tung (born 16 August 1966) is a Hong Kong actress who has appeared in films such as The Wicked City (1992), Loving You (1995), The Odd One Lives (1997), and the North American Knock Off (1998) with Jean-Claude Van Damme.


Detective vs. Sleuths

as .............

... 2022

Charlene Choi

as .......

... 2022


Carman Lee

Date of Birth:

August 16, 1973


Hong Kong SAR China

Biography of

Carman Lee

Carman Lee Yeuk-tung (born 16 August 1966) is a Hong Kong actress who has appeared in films such as The Wicked City (1992), Loving You (1995), The Odd One Lives (1997), and the North American Knock Off (1998) with Jean-Claude Van Damme.

Videos & Photos of

Carman Lee

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Filmography of

Carman Lee

Found 2 movies in total

Detective vs. Sleuths

as .............

... 2022

Charlene Choi

as .......

... 2022