Olivier Gourmet

Male | BE

Olivier Gourmet is a Belgian actor. Gourmet was born in Namur. He won the Best Actor award at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival for his role in Le Fils by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne. He also appeared in La Promesse, Rosetta and L'Enfant


On the Edge

as ........

... 2022


Olivier Gourmet

Date of Birth:

July 22, 1963



Biography of

Olivier Gourmet

Olivier Gourmet is a Belgian actor. Gourmet was born in Namur. He won the Best Actor award at the 2002 Cannes Film Festival for his role in Le Fils by Jean-Pierre and Luc Dardenne. He also appeared in La Promesse, Rosetta and L'Enfant

Videos & Photos of

Olivier Gourmet

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Filmography of

Olivier Gourmet

Found 1 movie in total

On the Edge

as ........

... 2022