Willy Semler

Male | CL

Guillermo Semler Aguirre better known as Willy Semler is a Chilean actor of films, theatre, television and theater director. He is known for having played Esperanza in the popular play La negra Ester, one of the most classic plays of chilean history.


La VerĂ³nica

as Prosecutor

... 2020


Willy Semler

Date of Birth:

January 16, 1959



Biography of

Willy Semler

Guillermo Semler Aguirre better known as Willy Semler is a Chilean actor of films, theatre, television and theater director. He is known for having played Esperanza in the popular play La negra Ester, one of the most classic plays of chilean history.

Videos & Photos of

Willy Semler

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Filmography of

Willy Semler

Found 1 movie in total

La VerĂ³nica

as Prosecutor

... 2020