Kettly Noël

Male | IT

Kettly Noël is a Haitian dancer, choreographer and actress. Her first choreographed piece, Nanlakou, premiered in 1995. Tichèlbe won both the Rencontres chorégraphiques d’Afrique et d’océan Indien and RFI Danse prizes


Total Eclipse

as Somalian Woman

... 1996


Kettly Noël

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024



Biography of

Kettly Noël

Kettly Noël is a Haitian dancer, choreographer and actress. Her first choreographed piece, Nanlakou, premiered in 1995. Tichèlbe won both the Rencontres chorégraphiques d’Afrique et d’océan Indien and RFI Danse prizes

Videos & Photos of

Kettly Noël

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Filmography of

Kettly Noël

Found 1 movie in total

Total Eclipse

as Somalian Woman

... 1996