Emily Wagner

Female | US

Emily Wagner was born and raised in New York City's Upper West Side. She began her acting career at age 6 as the youngest member of the theatrical troupe The Merry Mini Players. She starred in the cult 1980s NBC/PBS series High Feather (1980).


Due Date

as Flight Attendent

... 2010


Emily Wagner

Date of Birth:

December 22, 2024


United States

Biography of

Emily Wagner

Emily Wagner was born and raised in New York City's Upper West Side. She began her acting career at age 6 as the youngest member of the theatrical troupe The Merry Mini Players. She starred in the cult 1980s NBC/PBS series High Feather (1980).

Videos & Photos of

Emily Wagner

Videos (0)

Photos (0)

Filmography of

Emily Wagner

Found 1 movie in total

Due Date

as Flight Attendent

... 2010