Gloria Votsis

Female | US

Gloria Votsis is an American film and television actress. She is known for her roles in several television series such as Hawaii Five-0, The Gates, CSI: Miami, Person of Interest, and Suburgatory. She also had a recurring role as Alex Hunter on the USA drama series White Collar.



as Claire

... 2008


Gloria Votsis

Date of Birth:

February 9, 1979


United States

Biography of

Gloria Votsis

Gloria Votsis is an American film and television actress. She is known for her roles in several television series such as Hawaii Five-0, The Gates, CSI: Miami, Person of Interest, and Suburgatory. She also had a recurring role as Alex Hunter on the USA drama series White Collar.

Videos & Photos of

Gloria Votsis

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Filmography of

Gloria Votsis

Found 1 movie in total


as Claire

... 2008