Wendy Schaal

Female | US

Wendy Schaal is an American actress known for her work in Joe Dante films such as Innerspace, The 'Burbs, and Small Soldiers. Her other film credits include starring in films such as Where the Boys Are '84, Creature, Going Under, and Munchies.


The 'Burbs

as Hans Klopek

... 1989


Wendy Schaal

Date of Birth:

July 2, 1954


United States

Biography of

Wendy Schaal

Wendy Schaal is an American actress known for her work in Joe Dante films such as Innerspace, The 'Burbs, and Small Soldiers. Her other film credits include starring in films such as Where the Boys Are '84, Creature, Going Under, and Munchies.

Videos & Photos of

Wendy Schaal

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Filmography of

Wendy Schaal

Found 1 movie in total

The 'Burbs

as Hans Klopek

... 1989