Tawny Kitaen

Female | US

Julie Ellen "Tawny" Kitaen was an American actress, model, and media personality. She began her career as a television actress, appearing in the television films Malibu and California Girls. 


Bachelor Party

as Debbie Thompson

... 1984


Tawny Kitaen

Date of Birth:

August 5, 1961


United States

Biography of

Tawny Kitaen

Julie Ellen "Tawny" Kitaen was an American actress, model, and media personality. She began her career as a television actress, appearing in the television films Malibu and California Girls. 

Videos & Photos of

Tawny Kitaen

Videos (0)

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Filmography of

Tawny Kitaen

Found 1 movie in total

Bachelor Party

as Debbie Thompson

... 1984