Billy Blair

Male | US

Billy Blair is an American movie actor known for movies like Jonah Hex (2010), The Last Stand (2013), Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014), and Great Plains (2016). His 2017 movies include Dead Awake, a supernatural thriller, directed by Philip Guzman.


Bull Shark

as Nolan Holt

... 2022


Billy Blair

Date of Birth:

May 12, 1986


United States

Biography of

Billy Blair

Billy Blair is an American movie actor known for movies like Jonah Hex (2010), The Last Stand (2013), Sin City: A Dame to Kill For (2014), and Great Plains (2016). His 2017 movies include Dead Awake, a supernatural thriller, directed by Philip Guzman.

Videos & Photos of

Billy Blair

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Filmography of

Billy Blair

Found 1 movie in total

Bull Shark

as Nolan Holt

... 2022