Michelle Ye

Female | CN

Michelle Ye or Ye Xuan is a Chinese actress and producer. She is best known for her roles in, Eternal Happiness, Triumph in the Skies, and Lost in the Chamber of Love. Her most notable role was in the 2009 film Accident, in which she won the 2010 Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actress.


... 2022


Michelle Ye

Date of Birth:

February 14, 1980



Biography of

Michelle Ye

Michelle Ye or Ye Xuan is a Chinese actress and producer. She is best known for her roles in, Eternal Happiness, Triumph in the Skies, and Lost in the Chamber of Love. Her most notable role was in the 2009 film Accident, in which she won the 2010 Hong Kong Film Award for Best Supporting Actress.

Videos & Photos of

Michelle Ye

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Filmography of

Michelle Ye

Found 1 movie in total

... 2022