Mohsen Tanabande

Male | IR

Mohsen Tanabandeh is an Iranian actor, director and screenwriter. He is best known for his role as Naghi Mamouli in Capital. He has received various accolades, including three Crystal Simorgh and four Hafez Awards.


A Hero

as Bahram

... 2021


Mohsen Tanabande

Date of Birth:

April 15, 1975



Biography of

Mohsen Tanabande

Mohsen Tanabandeh is an Iranian actor, director and screenwriter. He is best known for his role as Naghi Mamouli in Capital. He has received various accolades, including three Crystal Simorgh and four Hafez Awards.

Videos & Photos of

Mohsen Tanabande

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Filmography of

Mohsen Tanabande

Found 1 movie in total

A Hero

as Bahram

... 2021