Timothy Mark Pimentel Eigenmann (born March 12, 1983), better known by his stage name Sid Lucero, is a Filipino television and film actor and model. Tim's stage name, Sid Lucero, is taken from the main character that his fa...
Angeli Khang is an actress, born in Mandaluyong City, Philippines to a Korean father and a Filipino mother. She is a Viva Artists Agency talent but she has previously worked at Philmoda Entertainment Production as a model.
Srishty Rode is an Indian television actress. In 2018, she was seen in Bigg Boss 12 as a celebrity contestant.
Veera W. Vilo is a Finnish actress. Vilo graduated from the University of Wales Trinity Saint David, School of Performing Arts with BA Acting degree in 2014.
Before her acting career, Vilo competed in gymnastics in th...
Karoliina Blackburn (born 23 November 1972 in Helsinki) is a Finnish actress and Thai boxer . She is mostly known for her appearance in Star Wreck: In the Pirkinning parody scifi fan-film (where she was one of the only three pr...