Daniel Edward Mora is an actor known for his work in the multiple Oscar-winning Disney film "COCO," a recurring role in the Peabody Award-winning FX Network series "THE BRIDGE," and another regular part in t...
Jack Thomas Davies, known professionally as Jack Wolfe, is an English actor. He is known for his theatre work with the National Theatre, Royal Shakespeare Company, and more. He is set to star in the upcoming musical film The Ma...
Amir Ahmad Wilson (born 6 February 2004) is an English actor known for his roles as Will Parry alongside Dafne Keen in the HBO and BBC series His Dark Materials, Tiuri in the Netflix series The Letter for the King, and Dickon i...
Kim Soo Hyun (Hangul: 김수현, born February 16, 1988) is one of the highest-paid actors in South Korea.
His accolades include four Baeksang Arts Awards, two Grand Bell Awards and one Blue Dragon Film Award. From 2012...
Park Jin-young (박진영), commonly known as JYP or J.Y. Park, is a South Korean music mogul, singer, and music producer. He is the founder of entertainment company JYP Entertainment.
Guillaume Emmanuel Marie de Quengo de Tonquédec (born 18 October 1966) is a French stage, television and film actor. He first earned fame in his homeland for his role as Renaud Lepic in the TV series Fais pas ci, fais pa...