Shahid Kapoor staring Kabir Singh has been a huge success on the box office the movie has crossed crore on Thursday 4th July. On the occasion the actor shared a heartfelt note on Instagram thanking the audience and his fans.
Shahid shared a special video clip montage from the film to celebrate it earning Rs 206 crore at the box office. Alongside the video, he wrote a long note sharing his gratitude and feelings regarding the film’s massive success.
“Your love is so overwhelming words will always fall short. Thank you for understanding him forgiving him and loving him with all your heart. We all fall apart. And we all must strive to rise from our faults. To be better. To be wiser. To be kinder. He is flawed. So are we all. You didn’t judge him you experienced him. You understood him,” Shahid wrote.
“You have given me wings to fly. To not only be burdened by the need to be loved to be a star but to have the courage to be hated in equal measure to be an actor. Here’s to cinema mirroring life. To protagonists who don’t have to be restricted by their goodness and can be human and imperfect. There is perfection in imperfection and that is the beauty and the challenge of this human life. Thank you. Again and again. You all are the heroes of this story.” he added.